Please list the hours during the week that you will be available to volunteer
Ex: Monday 5pm-9pm, Tuesday 8am-5pm, Wednesday 12pm-5pm…
VOLUNTEER CONTRACT I understand that I must complete the entire 65-hour training plus additional sit-ins before I can begin to volunteer/intern in direct-service programs. I understand that Safe Passage does not discriminate against persons based on race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or physical disability. I also understand that all volunteer/intern applicants will undergo a thorough screening process to determine if they are appropriate for the current needs of Safe Passage. In addition, acceptance of all volunteers/interns is conditional upon the positive outcome of a national criminal background check and a Child Abuse and Neglect Tracking System (CANTS) check. I hereby give Safe Passage my permission to conduct these background checks. All volunteers and interns must also complete and sign a Volunteer Contract.