In the fast-paced world we live in, taking care of ourselves can sometimes fall short. This is especially true of both survivors and those who support them. Self-care is incredibly important in the healing journeys of both parties, and being aware of the steps we can take to support ourselves is one of the best ways to show ourselves compassion and care.

But what is self-care? Self-care is a conscious effort to do things to improve your physical, mental, or emotional health. It’s a deliberate choice, making sure to do things that will improve your life in one way or another. This can be especially difficult for those who experience violence, as this violence can sometimes contribute to the loss of a sense of self. Similarly, working with survivors can also make self-care difficult; when you are helping others, sometimes it can be difficult to remember to help yourself. However, while it may be difficult, taking care of yourself is vital for both survivors and those who support them. Self-care is an incredibly important part of a survivor’s healing journey. It can give them a sense of control and empowerment, while simultaneously helping to soothe the physical toll that trauma and abuse can take on the body. Additionally, it’s crucial for those who support survivors, as self-care can reduce burnout and maintain a supporter’s mental health while they help others.

There are many ways to practice self-care: physically, mentally, and emotionally. Physically, making sure you’re getting your body moving is important. Also, it’s important to make sure you’re sleeping enough! Mentally, learning new things can be helpful. Listening to a podcast or even trying a new hobby can be incredibly rewarding and promotes self-care. Emotionally, journaling or talking to a friend or counselor is one of the best things you can do to take care of yourself. Making sure we are taken care of emotionally makes sure that we can take care of others as well as ourselves. Overall, making sure we are doing what we can to support ourselves, whether we are a survivor or those who support them, is extremely important. Our bodies and our minds do so much for us every day, so we should care for them just as they care for us. Self-care is the best way to do this, and I hope you put in the effort to take care of yourself today!

Written by: Breanna Smith