Archive: News

Love Languages

Communication is one of the building blocks for a healthy relationship. When it is said that “communication makes a healthy relationship”, people may wonder what specific tools look like. One tool that is proposed is understanding love languages, that is, ...

“Respect That!”

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM), a time to raise awareness about the realities of dating abuse among youth, and to empower teens with the knowledge and resources to foster healthy relationships. When we think of intimate partner violence, ...

Unmasking Human Trafficking

January was Human Trafficking Awareness Month. However, this topic is a conversation that is important to have year-round, not just during the awareness month. It is not easy to consider how close to home human trafficking is, as like many ...

January 2025 Marks 21st Annual Stalking Awareness Month

This January marks the twenty-first annual Stalking Awareness Month, a month to generate conversation on recognizing stalking as a significant form of abuse, to support survivors of stalking, and to share resources for those experiencing it. Something readers might wonder ...

The Importance of Self Care

In the fast-paced world we live in, taking care of ourselves can sometimes fall short. This is especially true of both survivors and those who support them. Self-care is incredibly important in the healing journeys of both parties, and being ...

Erin’s Law: Educating Students on Sexual Abuse

Erin’s Law, a bill named after childhood sexual assault survivor Erin Merryn, mandatesall schools in Illinois educate their students on unhealthy relationships and sexual abusethrough preventative programs. We at Safe Passage are proud to offer these preventativeprograms to schools all ...

Man or Bear?

Would you rather be trapped in the woods with a man or a bear? This question has beencirculating TikTok, the social media app, for weeks. While it seems like a relatively innocentquestion at first, the nuance behind it has caused ...

Why Erin’s Law is Important: A Millennial’s Perspective

On February 14th, 2011, Illinois was the first state to pass Erin’s Law. Erin’s Law was created by Erin Merryn, a sexual assault survivor, author, speaker, and activist. Erin’s Law requires that public schools implement a prevention-based child sexual abuse ...

The Five D’s of Bystander Intervention

Intimate partner violence- or IPV- is everywhere in the 21st century. We see it glorified all over social media, and it’s repeatedly seen in television shows, movies, books, and every other type of media that exist. While we can recognize ...