Archive: News

The Cycle of Abuse: Recognizing the Pattern

If you’ve ever been in an abusive relationship, you know that no one situation is the same as another. Unfortunately, however, in most abuse situations a cycle will repeat itself over and over until the survivor is ready to leave. ...

Intimate Partner Violence Within The LGBTQ+ Community

As a member of the LGBTQ+ community myself, I’ve always been curious as to why Inever heard about intimate partner violence within queer relationships. I always just assumedthat meant that there was less of it in queer spaces- that our ...

The History Behind Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Sexual Assault Awareness has not only been limited to the month of April. Sexual Assault Awareness has been around for many years, even previous to the past 23 years when it was made an ‘official’ awareness month. Since the mid-1900s, ...

“It Ends With Us” Book Review

For the month of October, Safe Passage held a book club about the book It Ends With Us, by Colleen Hoover. Kirsti, Marketing & Community Outreach Specialist, and Shayna, Prevention Specialist & PAIP Facilitator, ran the discussion. “ was a ...

Give DeKalb County

Our agency has helped survivor's in the community for 40+ years. Our grassroots beginning started with community members bringing survivors into their homes. This was before the anti-violence movement was in full force, and before there was much legal protection ...

Safe Passage on WNIJ

Sandy, volunteer coordinator, was interviewed on WNIJ for a piece about Domestic and Sexual Violence Crisis Centers and the need for bilingual staff. And Morales said she’s happy to do it. She said her parents made a lot of sacrifices ...

Safe Passage in the Media

Today, Nia Norris is on Perspectives again, discussing the different shoes survivors might wear. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Safe Passage is holding several events including the Take Back the Night Rally and Walk a Mile in Their Shoes – for these ...

Safe Passage in the Media

Nia went went to Northern Public Radio today to give her perspective on ending all forms of violence. I wanted to work for Safe Passage because I saw a community that I wanted to be a part of — and ...

Safe Passage In the Media

Christine Kalina and Nia Norris joined Peyton in the 94.9 WDKB studio on Friday, Jan 13, as Guest DJ's! We discussed Safe Passage's programs and offerings, our Volunteer Program, and our Love Over Violence Event (LOVE) on February 17 at ...