Archive: Uncategorized


I am not, nor have I ever been, much of a runner.  However, when my partner volunteered me for a Thanksgiving 5K Race, I realized I had better figure it out. I've been working through a Couch to 5K program ...

Sorry Not Sorry

Public apologies: the quickest way to say you're sorry without having to actually show any remorse. We've seen a slew of public apologies since the #MeToo movement began, but if we think back, we can see they're really nothing new.  ...

Own Your Mistakes

We all have reasons why we are the way we are:  bad habits we picked up from a roommate, a passive-aggressive attitude we learned from a parent; a coping mechanism we learned from a character on TV.  Maybe we were ...

Love Yourself

Happy Valentine’s Day from your friends at Safe Passage! We understand this day evokes different emotions for everyone, and that’s okay! Maybe the holiday brings sadness or anger as you’re reminded of a past relationship. Maybe you feel left out ...

What is Legal Advocacy?

At Safe Passage we realize that the criminal justice system can be hard to understand and overwhelming for survivors of abuse. Our Legal Advocates can help make this process easier and a lot less scary. If you’re interested in learning ...

Thank You, Erin!

Did you see our recent Letter to the Editor in the Daily Chronicle?  Read the full text of our letter below: We all owe a great debt to a woman that many of us have never met.  You may not even ...

Happy New Year!

If 2017 was a rough year for you (and oh boy...wasn't it for all of us?!), join us in breathing a sigh of relief and welcoming in 2018! 2018 for us means another year of fighting to end the epidemic of ...

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Joyous Kwanzaa! Whatever holiday you celebrate, may it be filled with love, hope, and happiness this year! If you're in need of support or safety this holiday season, don't forget that our staff celebrate the season by helping!  Call us ...


Christmas morning always found my siblings, parents, and I cuddled up in front of the wood-burning stove in our kitchen.  My mom would bake Christmas cookies for breakfast, a sort of oatmeal-based treat that was really more cookie than breakfast.  ...

Baby, it’s Cold Outside…

Baby, it's Cold Outside--Zooey Deschanel http://Baby, it's Cold Outside--Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppets Baby, it's Cold Outside--a complicated holiday song if there ever was one.  Is it a song celebrating the ability of a woman to overcome the restrictive sexual mores of her ...