DeKalb Public Library, Safe Passage, and Sycamore Public Library are partnering for a community read during Sexual Assault Awareness Month this April. Join us as we read Chanel Miller’s memoir Know My Name. We are breaking up the book into four different parts, one discussion each week instead of talking about the entire book at once: Session 1: […]
DeKalb Public Library, Safe Passage, and Sycamore Public Library are partnering for a community read during Sexual Assault Awareness Month this April. Join us as we read Chanel Miller's memoir Know My Name. We are breaking up the book into four different parts, one discussion each week instead of talking about the entire book at once: Session 1: […]
DeKalb Public Library, Safe Passage, and Sycamore Public Library are partnering for a community read during Sexual Assault Awareness Month this April. Join us as we read Chanel Miller’s memoir Know My Name. We are breaking up the book into four different parts, one discussion each week instead of talking about the entire book at once: Session 1: […]
DeKalb Public Library, Safe Passage, and Sycamore Public Library are partnering for a community read during Sexual Assault Awareness Month this April. Join us as we read Chanel Miller's memoir Know My Name. We are breaking up the book into four different parts, one discussion each week instead of talking about the entire book at once: Session 1: […]
Join Safe Passage and the community to view survivor stories in the form of art. Support local survivors by viewing curated art and having conversations with staff about the services they provide to the community.
DeKalb Public Library, Safe Passage, and Sycamore Public Library are partnering for a community read during Sexual Assault Awareness Month this April. Join us as we read Chanel Miller’s memoir Know My Name. We are breaking up the book into four different parts, one discussion each week instead of talking about the entire book at once: Session 1: […]
DeKalb Public Library, Safe Passage, and Sycamore Public Library are partnering for a community read during Sexual Assault Awareness Month this April. Join us as we read Chanel Miller's memoir Know My Name. We are breaking up the book into four different parts, one discussion each week instead of talking about the entire book at once: Session 1: […]
Join Safe Passage and the community for a Take Back the Night event that will raise awareness for sexual assault and for survivors. A march and stories will be shared. Signs with encouraging messages aren’t required but encouraged.
Activist and Playwright V's(formerly known as Eve Ensler) Vagina Monologues will have some different scenes from the last showing- so whether or not you've seen this play before, you'll definitely get an insightful, raw, and at times lighthearted experience. StageCoachPlayers will donate all proceeds from this event to Safe Passage. To buy your tickets, go […]
Help us at Safe Passage and QORRN end this stigma that queer individuals are more susceptible to underlying diseases, such as HIV, and are forced into discriminating regulations when donating blood. Join us on April 23rd at the Federated Church of Sycamore to show solidarity at the Queers’N’Allies Community Blood Drive- by donating, you’ll also […]
DeKalb Public Library, Safe Passage, and Sycamore Public Library are partnering for a community read during Sexual Assault Awareness Month this April. Join us as we read Chanel Miller’s memoir Know My Name. We are breaking up the book into four different parts, one discussion each week instead of talking about the entire book at once: Session 1: […]
DeKalb Public Library, Safe Passage, and Sycamore Public Library are partnering for a community read during Sexual Assault Awareness Month this April. Join us as we read Chanel Miller's memoir Know My Name. We are breaking up the book into four different parts, one discussion each week instead of talking about the entire book at once: Session 1: […]
A walk around campus to raise awareness of sexual assault and remind our community that there is never an excuse for sexual violence. This event will be a collaboration between Safe Passage and NIU's Office of Academic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. To register, click on this link. ***After Party TBD