Go to Willrett Flower Company for a bouquet that supports Safe Passage! For $45, you can get this beautiful bouquet all October long, and 25% of every bouquet sold will go toward life-saving services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Order online at: https://shopwillrettflowercompany.com/
Join us for a free presentation about domestic violence in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Participants will learn what domestic violence is, the signs, and how to help someone who has experienced DV. Participants will recieve a certificate of completion via e-mail. Scan the QR code, or use the links below: 10-11 AM: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/domestic-violence-awareness-month-education-dv-101-tickets-1014661258137?aff=oddtdtcreator […]
Join us for a free presentation about domestic violence in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Participants will learn what domestic violence is, the signs, and how to help someone who has experienced DV. Participants will recieve a certificate of completion via e-mail. Scan the QR code, or use the links below: 10-11 AM: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/domestic-violence-awareness-month-education-dv-101-tickets-1014661258137?aff=oddtdtcreator […]
Join Safe Passage at the DeKalb Public Library from 9:30 AM-11:30 AM for free resources, flyers about upcoming events, and information about volunteer/internship opportunities!
Join Safe Passage at the Malta Public Library from 1:30-3:30 PM for free resources, flyers about upcoming events, and information about volunteer/internship opportunities!
Join Safe Passage at the Sycamore Public Library from 4-6 PM for free resources, flyers about upcoming events, and information about volunteer/internship opportunities!
Join the Lake Holiday Ladies Club for their "Party With A Purpose" event! 100% of all proceeds from this event go back to Safe Passage. Tickets: $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Tickets include food and music with Scottie D. There will be a $5 Bloody Mary/Mimosa Bar, 50/50 raffle, and so much more! […]
Join us at the Sandwich Public Library on October 16th from 5-7 PM for a candlelight vigil and survivor speak out in honor of those affected by domestic violence.
Come to Safe Passage's booth at the NIU Homecoming Football Game from 10:30-2:30, and recieve a coupon for a $3 regular Jersey Mike's sub (originally $8+). If you use your coupon, Jersey Mike's will donate that $3 back to Safe Passage.
Join us from October 23-25 at Jersey Mike's in DeKalb! Get a free regular sub with a minimum donation of $3. Must bring your donation card to the store. Donation cards will be handed out at the NIU homecoming football game, or contact us at 815-756-7930 to get your donation cards!
Northern Illinois University is hosting the 2nd Annual Real Talk Conference on Friday, October 25. The theme this year is "Opening Pathways to Embrace Our Humanity". Join Safe Passage for resources and information about volunteer/internship opportunties.