Would you rather be trapped in the woods with a man or a bear? This question has been
circulating TikTok, the social media app, for weeks. While it seems like a relatively innocent
question at first, the nuance behind it has caused significant controversy among communities
both on and off the app. But why is this?
The question originates from a 30-second video on TikTok where an interviewer asks 8
women if they’d rather be stuck with a man or a bear in the woods. Shockingly, 7 out of the 8
women chose the bear. While it just began as a lighthearted joke, the question began to offend
some people. A good few call it misandry – the hatred of men – and say the question was just
another excuse for people to bad-mouth men and push a false narrative. However, those who
think this seem to be missing the point that most people who choose the bear are trying to make.
The question of man versus bear isn’t saying that all men are evil. Instead, however, it’s a
way to bring awareness to the incredibly valid fear that many women and other minority groups
feel towards them. Bears are predictable – they only attack when provoked or hungry. Men,
however, are unpredictable- they can attack for pleasure, in retaliation, or for no reason at all.
Additionally, many argue that a man can do much worse things than a bear can – a bear will never mentally abuse someone or sexually assault them, while many men most certainly will. So while it may initially come off as misandrist, the question provides a glimpse into the feeling of panic and dread about what could happen with a man – a feeling many people have to deal with when encountering men daily.
While the question of man versus bear is a little silly at first, it’s a helpful tool in bringing
about awareness of the fear that most women and minority groups feel toward men. Not all men
are abusers, but being more afraid of them versus a bear is pretty reasonable. However, at the end
of the day, being stuck in the woods with a man or a bear is extremely unlikely – let’s hope this
question stays hypothetical and no one ever has to make that choice. If it were me, I wouldn’t
choose at all – I’m climbing a tree and accepting my fate. It’s just easier that way.
Written by: Breanna Smith