If you’ve noticed that our blog has been quiet for a few weeks, it’s because we’ve been hard at work getting ready for our third annual Walk a Mile event!
We are SO excited for this event. Not only is it a great way to participate in Sexual Assault Awareness Month, but it’s a fun way to come together as a community that believes we can all do and be better.
If you’ve never heard of Walk a Mile, it’s a mile walk in high heels, helping men especially put themselves in the shoes of sexual assault survivors who are often judged and dismissed for what they were wearing, where they were, and who they were with. Walk a Mile is our chance to say “Yes means Yes and No means No, whatever we wear, wherever we go.”
At our Walk a Mile, we’ll have the walk, but we’ll also have an after party with drinks, awards, prizes, and fun! Don’t miss out. April 14, registration begins at 11 am. Get yourself a commemorative tee and race bag by pre-registering online by March 31!
To register or get more details, visit www.safepassagedv.org/events! See you there!