Welcome welcome welcome to week 2 of Will You Accept This Rant!
We started this week in our WYATR studio, so head over to our Facebook (Click This Link!) to check out our live video and share your thoughts! You can also hit up our Twitter (@Safe_PassageDV) to follow along with our live tweets.
I started to type out a recap of this episode and 12-hours later I realized, you didn’t need to read EVERY DETAIL that happened last night. Check out our FB video and save your reading time for a good novel or a newspaper article (#SupportLocalNews). Here’s a few highlights that we noticed, loved, or hated:
- Hannah B and Peter’s conversation: Bless her heart; Hannah is a girl who is embarrassed about all the weirdos she dated for way too long and doesn’t know what she wants anymore. I’ve never felt so seen. Despite all the efforts of the producers to convince us that it was a real possibility, we all had to know there was no way Hannah and Peter were walking away from this as a couple.
- Sydney and Peter actually have a real conversation about what it is like for her as a biracial woman growing up in the South. Good try, Mike Fleiss, but I’m not letting you off the hook until you stop casting all these white-bread bachelors.
- Champagnegate: Kelsey brings a bottle of champagne that she’s been saving for a year and she wants to drink it with Peter. Girl. I’m from Iowa, just like you. There is no champagne in Iowa that is worth saving. Drink it yourself and MOVE ON.
- Champagnegate, Part 2: Hannah Ann comes on strong to prove that gaslighting is not just a move for the fellas! A fake apology (“I acknowledge your feelings.” aka, I’m sorry you feel that way. I’m sorry if YOU were offended.) is not a real apology. Also, a classic shift of responsibility by making herself the victim! Now, Kelsey was obviously over-the-top. She was WAY too upset with Hannah Ann for something that clearly was not really Hannah Ann’s fault. However, Hannah Ann using that moment to faux-pologize then cry to Peter that she’d been bullied? That is a classic tactic for avoiding accountability. Nothing would have smoothed that situation over quicker than a genuine apology and show of empathy.
- The Revolve date revolved [badumsshh] around the idea that all girls love fashion and shopping. We’re ready for this stereotype to die. Peter is doing a great job of showing his emotional journey and I think that is so important for people of all genders to see! Let’s all commit to moving beyond this gender binary stereotype in 2020.
- Victoria F is either playing a VERY successful game to get ahead in Peter’s heart or is suffering from some SEVERE self-confidence issues. The world (and Bachelor Nation) are built to tear women and femmes down and that environment can be VERY difficult, so you’ve got to have a strong hold on who you are and what you’re about. Invest in yourself, not just in your relationships with others. It is hard to have a healthy, successful relationship with someone else until you build up your partnership with YOU.
- Blink and you’ll miss it moment: Peter gave Madi a framed photo of her with his family from their first one-on-one date. These super sweet moments are calculated to make you fall in love. Maybe pretty innocuous in Bachelor Nation but a HUGE SHINY RED FLAG in a real-world relationship. Love-bombing is the first stage in the cycle of violence, getting you hooked before you have a chance to realize what a dangerous relationship this really is.
- Physical touch: Peter is CLEARLY a physical-touch kind of guy. If this is your love language, get it! More power to you! Just don’t forget to get consent. Totally okay to kiss, make-out, hook-up on a first date or whatever date you want, as long as you both feel comfortable with that timeline. Peter is kissing A LOT OF LADIES, and that is a-okay but we hope he is getting explicit consent and if he is, we’re wishing that TPTB would value it enough to include that instead of leaving it on the editing room floor.
We could talk for hours about this episode, but we’ll hold back for now. Check in later and we might expand on some of these thoughts in future blogs, don’t forget to check out our Facebook video, and follow us on Twitter! As always, we’ll end with giving out our roses:
- Tonight’s Rose goes to: Ashley P. Okay, we just still can’t get over an emotional support cow. Let Ashley P inspire you to invest in your mental and emotional health today! Call Safe Passage to connect with a counselor, play with your pet cow, write in your journal, take your medication. Whatever you do to stay healthy, do it and be proud!
- Tonight’s Dead Rose goes to: Victoria F. Girl needs to spend some time watering her own garden, investing in her sense of self-worth, and figuring out who she really is before she can blossom.