
Perspective: Be Like Her

Understanding social attitudes on equality between people of different genders (especially inequality between men and women and cis/trans folks) is key to understanding the risks of gender-based violence. When men, women, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming people are viewed as ...

Will You Accept This Rant? Clare Crawley, Oct 20

Hello hello hello and welcome to all our readers, people who accidentally stumbled here from Twitter, and a special hello to all the people who were just admiring our incredible new website design and just happened to end up at ...

Will You Accept this Rant? Clare Crawley, Oct 13

Oh my god, we're back again! Here's to our favorite boy band manager, Kenny! Welcome welcome welcome to the new season of Will You Accept this Rant?!...okay and welcome to the new season of the Bachelorette! For those of you who joined ...

It Was Not Okay

Guest Post: Content Warning–description of nonphysical abuse. If this may be triggering to you, please read with caution........ [I was at a vulnerable time in my life when I met Chad (name changed). I was graduating from college with a bachelor’s ...

Will You Accept This Rant? GOAT: Sean Lowe

Just when you thought a global pandemic had finally gotten you out of having to hear our thoughts on Bachelor Nation...WELCOME TO THE GREATEST SEASONS EDITION OF WILL YOU ACCEPT THIS RANT! Chris Harrison, you dirty rat. You hooked us ...

Who matters?

Who matters when we think about domestic violence and sexual assault? Who are we protecting and who do we silence? Over the course of the last few months, our country has been forced into a reckoning of whose pain is ...

Black Lives Matter…

...and white silence is complicity. There are so many things to be said about the current situation in our world. The first thing is that it isn't new. This isn't America breaking or a failure in the system. This ...

What is Justice?

If you’re like us, you’ve had a lot more time (or at least more excuses) to watch Netflix, read books, and listen to podcasts. We’ll be sharing some thoughts from our favorite shows and podcasts over the next few weeks ...

Child Abuse Prevention Month

Today's blog post comes to us from our Children's Counselor, Jennifer King: April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. In the children’s counseling program at Safe Passage we provide therapy and counseling for children who witness domestic violence and whose parents are ...