

The massacre at Columbine High School was 19 years ago today and listening to the voices of students, it feels like not much has changed.  School shootings are still common and mass violence has become all too familiar.  From students ...

Child Abuse Prevention Month

We've been spending a lot of time preparing for April's Sexual Assault Awareness Month, but did you know it is also Child Abuse Prevention Month?  Read our article in DeKalb's Daily Chronicle to learn how we are working with our ...

I’m not throwing away my shot

My partner and I went to see Hamilton last night.  For those of you who aren't familiar, Hamilton the Musical is the story of Alexander Hamilton, the Founding Father who came to America as an immigrant, fought in the Revolutionary ...

Own Your Mistakes

We all have reasons why we are the way we are:  bad habits we picked up from a roommate, a passive-aggressive attitude we learned from a parent; a coping mechanism we learned from a character on TV.  Maybe we were ...

2018 Nonprofit Organization Award

Last night the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce hosted its annual awards banquet.  For the first year ever, an award was given honoring an exceptional nonprofit organization operating in DeKalb County.  The honorees included many outstanding organizations including the DeKalb County ...

We Will Not Be Silent

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King Jr. Growing up, MLK day was one of my favorite holidays. In school, we spent the days surrounding the holiday learning about King’s ...

I Don’t Need Counseling!

Many people are hesitant to meet with a counselor because they don’t really know what counseling is.  We know going to counseling or being in therapy can seem scary or negative.  It may feel like something is wrong with you.  ...

Keeping Up with the Times

Content warning:  Discussion of digital abuse and stalking. *** ***   NPR: I Know Where You've Been--Digital Spying and Divorce in the Smartphone Age If there is one thing that has been constant in our culture, it has been that things always change.  The biggest ...

Happy New Year!

If 2017 was a rough year for you (and oh boy...wasn't it for all of us?!), join us in breathing a sigh of relief and welcoming in 2018! 2018 for us means another year of fighting to end the epidemic of ...


We are thankful for the survivors who've shared their stories and bravely spoke up to say "#MeToo." We are thankful for the survivors who tell only those who help them to feel safe and whole, who remind themselves that a silent ...