
Be Aware

Today is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in the United States. January is also Stalking Awareness Month. As a domestic and sexual violence crisis center, we know these are two under-reported and misunderstood forms of abuse. It is ...

Watching “You”

***Trigger warning: description of stalking. "And there you were, every account set to public. You want to be seen, heard, known. Of course, I obliged." - Joe Goldberg Joe Goldberg is a fictional character in Netflix's thriller series You, which released its second season ...

Stalking Awareness Month

January is National Stalking Awareness Month.  How many of us would recognize the signs of stalking or feel confident that we'd know what to do?  Do we think of stalking as a "James Bond-style" incident?  A stranger in an unmarked ...

I Don’t Need Counseling!

Many people are hesitant to meet with a counselor because they don’t really know what counseling is.  We know going to counseling or being in therapy can seem scary or negative.  It may feel like something is wrong with you.  ...

Keeping Up with the Times

Content warning:  Discussion of digital abuse and stalking. *** ***   NPR: I Know Where You've Been--Digital Spying and Divorce in the Smartphone Age If there is one thing that has been constant in our culture, it has been that things always change.  The biggest ...