
What is Legal Advocacy?

At Safe Passage we realize that the criminal justice system can be hard to understand and overwhelming for survivors of abuse. Our Legal Advocates can help make this process easier and a lot less scary. If you’re interested in learning ...

Beyond Policy

Even someone who lived under a rock for the majority of the 2016 presidential campaign is likely to be aware what a big issue immigration became.  For Republicans, the party platform pushed for increases in border security, reductions in immigration ...

Violence is Violence is Violence

Gun violence is becoming an American tradition.  The mass shooting in Las Vegas is being quickly driven to the back of our minds as our nation mourns churchgoers, gunned down as they worshiped in Sutherland Springs, TX.  Time and again ...

Safe Passage, Inc.

Safe Passage is DeKalb County's only Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Center.  We work with survivors of all ages and genders, focusing on processing trauma and rebuilding lives.  Our unique agency offers services that surround survivors with a continuum of ...